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Data Security is always a very important topic when it comes to recycling. Almost every company, even personal users, need an extremely safe way to erase their sensitive data before discarding redundant storage devices for recycling. Data Security is always a very important topic when it comes to recycling. Almost every company, even personal users, need an extremely safe way to erase their sensitive data before discarding redundant storage devices for recycling. U-Reach Eraser supports many standard erase modes to satisfy different user needs. It is a standalone machine that works without PC software, which means all the users can erase their data by just one simple button press. Besides, without any link to a PC, there is no risk anyone can view or steal the data.For PC recycling companies, U-Reach Eraser wipes out devices asynchronously which saves a lot of time and effort. Users are able to set a bad sector tolerance, device speed, etc. to filter out bad quality devices. Furthermore, U-Reach Eraser doesn’t charge license by the piece; once you have it, you can erase as many as you want. Therefore, it’s surely the most beneficial solution for recycling industry.

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Sales / Support

U-Reach GmbH

Kettenstrasse 4

69190 Walldorf


Tel: 0049 6222 938823

Fax: 0049 6222 938850

Email: info@u-reach.eu

CEO: Lars Christophersen

TIN: 32499/21663

VAT: DE295132618

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