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+49 6222 938823   

Religious Groups

Duplicators are definitely the easiest tool to copy media for religious groups such as sermons and preachings. Additionally, songs, documents and videos are regularly given out to adherents for which duplicators are the perfect distribution solution.Duplicators are definitely the easiest tool to copy media for religious groups such as sermons and preachings. Additionally, songs, documents and videos are regularly given out to adherents for which duplicators are the perfect distribution solution.Furthermore, U-Reach duplicators provide USB sticks and SD cards with reliable write-protection solutions, making any stored data non-deletable or modifiable.

Contact us / Impressum

Sales / Support

U-Reach GmbH

Kettenstrasse 4

69190 Walldorf


Tel: 0049 6222 938823

Fax: 0049 6222 938850

Email: info@u-reach.eu

CEO: Lars Christophersen

TIN: 32499/21663

VAT: DE295132618

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