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The unlimited Daisy-Chain technology is exclusively

Designed by U-Reach. It provides flexibility and expandability as production demand grows. Therefore, when the Hard Drive duplicator is equipped with the Daisy-Chain technology, it can be used alone or in a combination with multiple devices. Leveraging its proprietary Multi-tasking technology, all copying targets are working with true independent channels so that reliability is sustained regardless of uncertainty introduced by devices being hooked up. The entire Hard Drive duplicator works together without any performance degradation.

A single Hard Drive duplicator copies at 120MB/sec, with Daisy-Chain technology it allows hundreds of Hard Drive duplicators to deliver the same performance of 120MB/sec.

Contact us / Impressum

Sales / Support

U-Reach GmbH

Kettenstrasse 4

69190 Walldorf


Tel: 0049 6222 938823

Fax: 0049 6222 938850

Email: info@u-reach.eu

CEO: Lars Christophersen

TIN: 32499/21663

VAT: DE295132618

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