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Write protected USB

The write protection duplicator is considered the most advanced flash duplicator in the market. It is integrated with an outstanding copy tool that can permanently write protect USB drives and memory cards.

The Write protection duplicator is professional, standalone and efficient. It has the ability to duplicate a full range of USB drives and memory cards, starting from 7 and up to 119 targets. With the one-stop production process, you can mass produce USB sticks and SD cards with write protection to prevent your content from being deleted, modified or virus infected. This Intelligent 9 series USB duplicator is integrated with a high-speed compare function to ensure data copy has 100% accuracy along with quick format capabilities. This will help increase efficiency and production productivity.

The Intelligent 9 Write Protect series has added some more important functions - Event Log report, durability test and double source comparison. Those functions were designed from an inquiry suggested by a professional user and are used to solve critical issues from the duplication working process. The Intelligent 9 USB drive write protection duplicator is an economical solution for data copy and distribution via USB drive and memory card. It embeds smart beneficial functions and an outstanding performance, reliable quality that will save your time and money.

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Contact us / Impressum

Sales / Support

U-Reach GmbH

Kettenstrasse 4

69190 Walldorf


Tel: 0049 6222 938823

Fax: 0049 6222 938850

Email: info@u-reach.eu

CEO: Lars Christophersen

TIN: 32499/21663

VAT: DE295132618

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